This program is designed to teach, build, and trim. ⁣

* 14 weeks of workouts:
* Hypertrophy Focused
* Pumpfit HIIT/Cardio Acceleration
* 14 week Meal Plan by Alexa, Vitality Health Coaching
* Supplement Guide
* Digital Downloadable e-book
* Video Tutorial + Coaching
* No gym machinery required

PHASE 1 | Learn + Focus

PHASE 2 | Build + Evolve

PHASE 3 | Trim + Release

FOCUS will teach you that it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality and integrity. Redefine your true character by doing your absolute best while no one is looking. I hope this triggers some internal inspiration for you. I want you to FOCUS on the now. It’s not about what they’re doing. This is your journey. FOCUS on you.

Equipment List:
[ ] Timer
[ ] Rower
[ ] Box
[ ] Jump Rope
[ ] MedBall
[ ] Slam Ball
[ ] Ab Mat
[ ] Rig for Pull-ups and AB work
[ ] Multiple KB
[ ] Multiple DB
[ ] Mini-Bands