4-Week Rebirth Program

4-Week Rebirth Program


-Have you been wanting to completely transform your body and mindset, but find yourself falling back into old habits?
-Do you always set a New Year’s Resolution, then lose motivation after a few weeks?
-Are you eager to completely redefine yourself and what type of person you are … but you don’t know where to even start?
-Are you wanting to start the process of radically transforming your physique, plus gain the mindset and habits that support it?
-Are you ready to learn how to develop the resilience and perseverance to reach ANY goal you may have in the future (not just fitness-related goals)?
-Do you want a new start?

Equipment List:
-Jump Rope
-Med Ball

4-Week Rebirth Program
  • Rebirth | Warm Up 1

  • Rebirth | Warm Up 2

  • Rebirth | Warm Up 3

  • Rebirth | Warm Up 4

  • Rebirth | Cool Down 1

  • Rebirth | Cool Down 2

  • Rebirth | Cool Down 3

  • Rebirth | Cool Down 4

  • Rebirth | Workout 1

    What you’ll need:
    -Jump Rope

    Workout #1:

    Part one]

    Complete 4 sets:
    -30 sec: Swing + KB Jump Squat
    30 sec: Rest
    -30 sec: ReClean + Rotational Press + Swing Switch
    30 sec: Rest

    Part two]

    Complete 4 sets:
    -20 sec: Jump Rope
    10 sec: Rest
    -20 sec: Dynamic Side Kick Thrus
    10 sec: Rest

    REST 6...

  • Rebirth | Workout 2

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #2:

    Complete 4 rounds:
    -45 sec: MB B/O Slams
    15 sec: REST
    -45 sec: MB Ninja Jumps (back and forth)
    15 sec: REST
    -45 sec: MB Russian Twists
    15 sec: REST
    -45 sec: MB Jumping Sumo Squats
    15 sec: REST
    -45 sec: MB Knee To Chests
    15 sec: REST
    -45 sec: MB Jacks
    15 sec: RE...

  • Rebirth | Workout 3

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #3:

    Part 1]
    Complete 2 sets of 6 reps of each:

    -Alt KB Single Arm Snatches [3+3]
    -KB Single Arm Cleans [3+3]
    -KB Alt Swings
    -KB Switch Grip Lunges
    -KB Goblet Squats

    Part 2] Endurance | Chipper | time cap: 25 min
    Complete the following for time:

    -30 Alt KB S...

  • Rebirth | Workout 4

    What You'll Need:
    -Double KB

    Workout #4:

    Part ONE | 12 min EMOM
    -Odd- 6 DKB Push Press + 6 DKB Swings
    -Even- 6 DKB Alt Gorilla Rows + 6 DKB Sumo Squats

    Part TWO | 12 Min AMRAP
    -12 Knee To Chests
    -12 Single Arm Clean + Press [6+6]
    -12 Alt Front Kick Thrus
    -12 Lateral Lunge + KB Power Clean [6+6...

  • Rebirth | Workout 5

    What You'll Need:

    Workout #5:

    1] Hip opener stretch for 5 minutes

    2] Bodyweight Flow

    Complete 3 sets:
    30 sec:
    -R Side Kick Thru
    -R Crab Reach
    30 sec: rest

    Complete 3 sets:
    60 sec:
    -R Side Kick Thru
    -R Crab Reach
    -Push back into Deep Ape
    -Right arm deep ape reach
    60 sec: rest


  • Rebirth | Workout 6

    What You'll Need:
    -Jump Rope
    -Double KB

    Workout #6:

    1] Tabata Rounds:

    -Jump Rope
    -Plank Up Down

    -DKB Seesaw Press
    -KB Switch Grip Lunge

    2] Complete 3 Rounds - 45:90:180

    -45 sec: KB Ballistic Row to KB Hang Snatch (3:1)
    15 sec: Rest
    -90 sec: Rotational KB Clean to Rotational Press

  • Rebirth | Workout 7

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #7:

    Circuit - 45:15 / 60:30

    1] Complete 3 Rounds - 60:30:
    -Gorilla Squat Burpees
    -Medball DB Incline Chest Press
    -Alternating Hang DB Snatch to Push Press
    -Medball Hip Lock DB Bicep Curl [30s:30s]
    -Medball Sprawls to Sumo Jump Squats
    -DB Lying S....

  • Rebirth | Workout 8

    What you’ll need:
    Workout #8:
    For Time | Chipper
    -3 Burpees, 3 DKB Squat Clean, 3 KB Snatch Gumbo
    -6 Burpees, 6 DKB Squat Clean, 6 KB Snatch Gumbo
    -9 Burpees, 9 DKB Squat Clean, 9 KB Snatch Gumbo
    -12 Burpees, 12 DKB Squat Clean, 12 KB Snatch Gumbo
    -50 Shin Hugs
    -12 Burpees, 12 DKB Squat Clea...

  • Rebirth | Workout 9

    What you’ll need:
    -Double KB

    Workout #9:

    1. 5 Min EMOM
    -6 Tempo Push-Ups

    2. 4 Min AMRAP
    -6 KB Hike Squat Swings 6 KB Pull & Press
    -6 Half Moons

    3. 5 Min EMOM
    -6 DKB Sumo Squat

    4. 4 Min AMRAP
    -6 DKB Swings
    -6 DKB Bent Rows
    -6 Knee Tuck Kick Ups

    5. 5 Min EMOM
    -12 Alt Staggered Stance Sing...

  • Rebirth | Workout 10

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #10:

    1. Tabata Round

    A. Warm-Up Jumping Jacks
    -Alternating Reverse Lunge Reach Mountain Climbers
    -Air Squats
    -Partial High Knees
    -High Plank Shoulder Taps
    -Plank Hold
    -Diamond Hops to Sprinter Jumps

    -Plank Hold Shin Hugs

    2. Complete 4 Rounds - 45:15

  • Rebirth | Workout 11

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #11:

    Part 1

    Complete 5 sets of the following:
    -30 sec: 3 MB Overhead Slams + 3 KB S/A Standing Clean [each arm]
    -30 sec: Lightweight KB Russian SWINGS
    60 sec: REST

    Part 2

    Complete 3 sets:
    -30 sec: KB Hike to KB Explosive Jump Squat
    10 sec: REST
    -60 sec: KB W...

  • Rebirth | Workout 12

    What you’ll need:
    -Double KB

    Workout #12:

    45:15 x4
    -45 sec:2 DKB Clean and Press + 2 DKB Front Squats 15 sec REST
    -Alternating Lateral Lunge Hops
    15 sec REST
    -2 DKB Swings + 2 DKB Deadlifts
    15 sec REST
    -Push-up T-rotation
    15 sec REST
    -2 DKB Seesaw Press + 2 DKB Rows
    15 sec REST
    -Curtsey Lunge S...

  • Rebirth | Workout 13

    What you’ll need:
    Workout #13:
    Complete the following for time every 3 minutes stop where you are at and complete 5 Burpee Tuck Jumps!!
    -50- DB Sit-Up Reach
    -40- KB Staggered Stance Hip Hinge Clean to Lunge [10/10/10/10]
    -30- Alt Single Arm DB Squat clean and press
    -20- V-Ups
    -10- DB Man ...

  • Rebirth | Workout 14

    What you’ll need:
    -Jump Rope

    Workout #14:

    1] Complete as Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Min
    -50 Dubs/100 Jump Ropes
    -10 Heels Elevated Narrow Stance DB Squats
    -10 Sprawls

    2] Every 4 Min, for 16 Min (4 sets) for Time:
    *2 min AMRAP:
    -2 BC Shoulder Taps
    -2 SKT
    -2 Front Kick Through

  • Rebirth | Workout 15

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #15:

    Part 1 | Complete 3 Sets
    -30 sec: Fire Feet Drill
    -30 sec: Unload Beast Wave
    -30 sec: High Knee + Butt Kick + Heel Tap Combo [4:4:4]
    -30 sec: Alternating Crab Reach Hold
    30 sec: REST

    Part 2 | Complete 3 Sets of 40 Sec On and 20 Sec Off for Each Move:

  • Rebirth | Workout 16

    What you’ll need:
    Workout #16:
    A. Complete 4 Rounds:
    -90s: Kettlebell Tactical Clean + Reverse Lunge + S/A Half Kneeling Swing to Clean + Press
    -30s: Rest
    B. Complete 4 Rounds:
    -90s: Loaded Beast Sprawl + KB Snatch + S/A KB Thruster
    30s: Rest
    C. Complete 4 Rounds:
    -90s: Breakdancer + Push...

  • Rebirth | Workout 17

    What you’ll need:
    -Double DB

    Workout #17:

    45 sec ON : 15 sec OFF - 4 Rounds:
    -Thigh Killas
    -DDB Reverse Lunge Clean to S/A Press Fire Feet to Sprinter Jumps
    -DB Lateral Raises
    -Lunge Heel Kicks
    -DB Iso Hold Alternating Curls Hollow Body to Crab Reach

  • Rebirth | Workout 18

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #18:

    1. Complete 3 Rounds: Buy-In:
    -50 Hip Thrusts
    -14 KB Staggered Stance Deadlift [14 each side]
    -14 Alternating DB Pick-Up to Hang Snatch

    2. Complete 3 Rounds: Buy-In:
    -50 Air Balls
    -14 MB Sprawl Jumps
    -14 MB Incline DB Chest Fly

    3. Complete 3 Rounds:

  • Rebirth | Workout 19

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #19:

    1. 12 min AMRAP:
    -12 DKB Swing Clean
    -12 DKB Suitcase Squats
    -12 DKB Push Press
    -12 DKB Push-Up to Mid-Pull

    2. 12 min AMRAP:
    -10 KB Unilateral Deadlifts [5+5]
    -10 Rotational Cleans [5+5]

  • Rebirth | Workout 20

    What you’ll need:

    Workout #20:

    1. 30:60:90 - 3 Rounds:
    -30 sec: V-Up Gumbo
    10 sec: Rest
    -60 sec: Alternating Loaded Beast Reach + Push + Jump Sprawls
    20 sec: Rest
    -90 sec: 30s Running Lunge [R] + 30s Running Lunge [L] + 30s Stepping Thigh Killas

    2. Complete 10 Rounds:
    -3 Burpees

  • Rebirth | Women's Nutrition Guide.pdf

    92.8 MB

  • Rebirth | Mindful Practices.pdf

    1.07 MB

  • Rebirth | Men's Nutrition Guide.pdf

    69.5 MB

  • Rebirth | Program PDF.pdf

    2.4 MB

  • Rebirth | (Printer Friendly) Women's Nutrition PDF.pdf

    42.4 MB

  • Rebirth Program | Print Friendly.pdf

    259 KB